luni, 4 iulie 2011

The Dangers Of E Coli In Raw Food And What You Can Do


If you are in the habit of eating raw food such as a half cooked medium rare steak, then you should be aware of the dangers that this may pose. The raw food that you consume may just contain Escherichia coli (or simply E. coli). This strain of bacteria resides in your lower intestines, known as the gut flora and can cause you problems.
Theodor Escherich, a German bacteriologist, discovered E. coli in 1885. Traces of E. coli are seen in raw food such as the fish used for sushi. The danger of having of E. coli in your body is that they can result in intestinal disorders such as diarrhea and gastroenteritis as well as extra-intestinal infections such as urinary tract infections and meningitis. In the worst case scenario, death can result. This happens if the E. coli bacteria escape your intestinal tract through a perforation, such as an ulcer or a surgical error, into your abdomen.
You do not need to consume a whole lot of E. coli to start feeling the stomach pains. Only a microscopic amount of E. coli is enough to make you sick. Also, it would be hard to tell if your food contains E. coli as it does not turn its taste bad.
Since E. coli are hardly detectable by your eyes, you may have just consumed them in the past. You cannot be absolutely certain that you have none residing inside you right now. After all, you are surrounded by bacteria. And pollution and contamination is real. Can you guarantee that your food is always hygienically prepared?If you eat out pretty frequently, then you are at greater risk of E. Coli or other parasites finding their way into your body.
So what happens if you have them? Medical doctors usually recommend a treatment with antibiotics. This may no longer be effective as recent strains of E. coli show that they are rapidly acquiring drug resistance. Studies now are also evaluating vaccines or possibly other drugs for treatment.
I would prefer the natural methods of treatment though. Naturopathic doctors recommend a combination of botanicals, fiber, and probiotics to help your intestinal tract remove all pathogenic microorganisms.
You can also help by taking prevention methods. Heating kills bacteria. Still, your food is best cooked just right so that it still retains its nutrition. Here are specific tips on preventing E. Coli from getting into your body:
1. Make sure that you clean your hands before eating and after toileting or diapering. This can help prevent many E. coli infections.
2. If children eat ground beef, it should be cooked until there is no pink and the juices run clear.
3. Avoid eating eggs that are runny or half-cooked.
4. All raw fruits and vegetables need to be washed before consuming.
5. Avoid eating in places that you know do not practice good hygiene.
Got parasites in your body? Reap benefits from detox cleansing. Sign up to free research and special reports by Sandra Kim Leong on parasite cleansing [], colon and liver cleansing here at []

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duminică, 3 iulie 2011

E Coli Bacteria in Drinking Water


Anyone who pays attention to the news already knows that E Coli outbreaks happen in the US about once a year or so. Generally, these outbreaks are caused by contaminated vegetables (lettuce, spinach, peppers, etc). But many people do not know that E Coli can live and thrive in water as well as on land. This article examines some of the background information you need to know about E Coli. Our second article in this series, "How to Treat E Coli in Drinking Water" examines how you can eliminate this health hazard from your drinking water.
E Coli is shorthand for Escherichia coli. It is a coliform (ie, coli) bacterium that is found in the intestines of both animals and humans. When animals or humans defecate in or near water sources, the E Coli bacteria can get into the water, and can then be ingested by those drinking from this water source. Another common way that E Coli can be introduced into a water sources is through sewage discharges into creeks, streams, rivers, etc.
While the above are the most common ways for E Coli to be introduced into water supplies, they are not the only avenues of introduction. Heavy rainfall and ice and snow melts can also deliver the bacteria into water sources as runoff.
It should be noted that while E Coli is most often found in surface water, it can also be found in ground water as well. If contaminated fecal matter on the surface is diluted by rainwater or snow melt, it can leech down into the soil and go into underground water supplies. This is important to remember if you get your drinking water from aquifer or well.
E Coli comes in hundreds of different strains and not all of them are hazardous to our health. One of the most dangerous strains, however, is E. Coli 0157:H7. Individuals who ingest this particular strain of E Coli can be become very sick with symptoms including abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhea that may or may not be bloody in nature, and a general sense of malaise. Fever may or may not be present.
This particular E Coli infection can be very serious for children under 5 as well as to elderly individuals and those with compromised immune systems. It can lead to kidney failure and other severe health issues. In some cases, it can be fatal. The medical term for this malady is hemolytic uremic syndrome. Unfortunately, hemolytic uremic syndrome is the main cause of sudden kidney failure in children in the US.
As you can see, E Coli contamination is nothing you want to mess with or have your family exposed to. The good news is destroying E Coli in drinking water is fairly easy to do if the proper chemicals are used in the proper manner. Please read our next article in this series, "How to Treat E Coli in Drinking Water" to learn how to protect your family from this dreaded disease.
To learn more about contaminants in our drinking water or to purchase a ceramic water filter visit our website

E.Coli and Your Water


The bacteria E.Coli has become a household catch phrase in the mouths of Canadians since the Walkerton tragedy of 2000. A series of events combined that year to contaminate the water of the residents of Walkerton with a specific strain of E.Coli, E.Coli O157:H7. As a result, seven people died and thousands of others were made sick. Since, new and stringent regulations have come into place to increase the protection from the risk of this infections disease from ever entering public water supplies again.
E.Coli is a contaminant risk not only in water, but in food as well. There have been many food recalls because of E.Coli contamination. And the risk of E.Coli is not just a risk for food and public water supplies, but it's a risk for a private well, if you own one.
E.Coli is a particular type of coliform bacteria. Coliform bacteria are all around us, in the soil, in water, in muck and all over the natural environment. Escheria Coli, or E.Coli for short, are specifically adapted to live in the guts of warm blooded animals.
Twenty or Thirty years ago, microbiologists would not have given second thoughts to classifying E.Coli as a dangerous microorganism. This is because E.Coli is a natural part of your own digestive processes. Your gut is packed with these little bugs, and they help aid in digestion, produce small quantities of vitamins B12 and K, and even work to protect your gut from other invading organisms. At most, some forms of E.Coli were just a nuisance, causing non life threatening diarrhea.
It wasn't until the discovery of E.Coli O157:H7 that microbiologists began to worry about this organism. Indeed, there were several outbreaks in the early 80's of food borne contamination that left an impression.
This is why E.Coli is a mandatory test for all municipalities in their water supplies on a regular basis. They must be sure that their water is free from this organism that has the potential to wreak such havoc on the health of all of us. If you own a private well, it should also be a test performed by you on a regular basis.
There are two types of tests laboratories can do. The first can show if E.Coli is present and how much of it is there. The second identifies the type of E.Coli. Generally, only the first test is done because it is fast, easy and inexpensive, as apposed to the second which costs much more money. If you do have E.Coli in your water, it is important to take remediation steps right away as it is a positive indicator of fecal contamination. That is, feces has been in contact with your drinking water.
If you are on municipal water and want to know more about the quality of the water coming from your tap, contact your local municipality. Most carry extensive records of all their tests and will be happy to share them with you and explain what the results mean. If you are on your own private supply, contact your local health unit. They can do some testing for you, and if they can't they can point you towards an accredited lab.
E.Coli is an important organism inside your own body. If it's in your drinking water or food supply, chances are it's a strain that's different from the one inside of you and you will need to take action. Remember, safe drinking water is all of our responsibilities. Maintain your septic system and watch where you spread your fertilizer and dispose of your animals waste.
Mike Mandell works at a water treatment facility in Canada. As well, he runs a website providing free information and advice about drinking water, water treatment, pumps and equipment, and anything else to do with water. Visit him at

E-Coli - The Bacterium That Leads to Kidney Infections


The kidneys are bean shaped organs that are responsible for secreting the body waste in form of urine. They are located below the ribcage and maintain the concentration of essential nutrients in the body. They filter the waste products from the body before passing the urine into the urinary bladder. Hence, the kidney infections can hamper the functionality of your excretory system.
Women are five times more likely to be infected with kidney infections. The pregnant women are most vulnerable to infections in the kidneys. This occurs due to drastic changes in the body hormones which make the urinary tract susceptible to urinary infections. The infection occurs due to the attack of E-coli bacterium on the urinary tract.
The bacterium enters through the urethra which is connected to the penis or vulva. Later on, the bacterium enters inside the urinary bladder and adheres to the bladder walls. This phenomenon is accompanied by several urinary ailments that include frequent or urgent urine passage, pain in abdomen, high fever etc. Ideally, you should get proper treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms of bladder infections.
However, some people don't pay heat to these symptoms and pose serious problems for themselves. This negligence leads to the advancement of E-coli in the kidneys. Now, the effect of the bacterium dominates and leads to pus or blood in urine secretion. The mild fever during bladder infection gets converted into high fever during kidney infections. Moreover, this infection leads to the blockage of kidneys or spread of infection in the bloodstreams that can be life threatening.
Hence, you should consult a medical practitioner as soon as you notice symptoms of kidney infections. This will aid the flushing of the harmful bacterium from the urinary tract. So, take proper medication now to protect your urinary organs from severe damages.
About the Author:
Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on kidney infections symptoms and cures of disease. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.

E. Coli, Botulism, and Salmonella


When we eat out at restaurants, we expect for the food we are served to have been stored properly, handled safely, cleaned adequately, and cooked thoroughly. When we purchase goods at the grocery store, again we expect for it to have been processed, packaged, and stored safely. Unfortunately, however, sometimes the reality of the situation does not fully meet our expectations.
If food is handled in a poor manner, it runs the risk of being contaminated by harmful bacteria and viruses. Those who eat these infected edibles are at risk of developing an illness known as food poisoning. While food poisoning is typically not fatal, it can be quite uncomfortable and painful. Three of the most common forms of food-borne illnesses are E.Coli, Botulism, and Salmonella.
E. Coli
E. coli is a type of bacteria that can cause infections in the digestive tracts of humans. There are several different strands of infectious E. coli, all of which can cause any of the following symptoms:
· Bloody diarrhea
· Severe abdominal cramping
· Nausea and vomiting
· Fatigue
Sometimes, E. coli is diagnosed as a different (yet similar) disease, such as a stomach ulcer or inflammatory bowel disease. Other times, those with E. coli infections do not experience any symptoms. This can be particularly dangerous if these individuals handle food. They can easily pass the infection onto other, unsuspecting individuals without realizing it.
Botulism is another type of food-borne illness that is passed onto individuals through their ingestion of contaminated foods. Typically, botulism cultures grow in home-canned goods, although they can also arise in roots like garlic and potatoes. The symptoms of a botulism infection include the following:
· Nausea and vomiting
· Stomach cramps
· Difficulty breathing
· Compromised vision
· Difficulty swallowing
· Weakness
· Paralysis
Typically, botulism is treated through medication-induced vomiting or the prescription of drugs that cause bowel movements.
Salmonella is a disease most commonly spread to people through their ingestion of contaminated food. Like E. coli and botulism, those infected with this disease will typically get better after a few days without any outside treatment. The typical symptoms of a salmonella infection include the following:
· Diarrhea
· Nausea and vomiting
· Abdominal cramping
· Fever and chills
· Headache
· Bloody stools
· Achy muscles
If the salmonella bacteria enter the body's bloodstream, then the patient is at risk of developing a very serious condition known as bacteremia. Patients who develop this condition need immediate outside treatment in the form of antibiotics. When bacteremia is not treated, it can be deadly.
Contact Us
If you or someone you love has suffered from any of these types of food poisoning as the result of poor restaurant or food manufacturing sanitation, then you may have the right to claim compensation. The St. Petersburg personal injury lawyers of Beltz & Ruth, P.A. have the experience necessary to help you recover the damages you deserve. To learn more, please visit today.
Joseph Devine

Is E Coli Infection Curable? Curing Your Urinary Tract Infection Naturally with 4 Secrets


Is the E Coli infection curable with natural remedies? Yes and it is simpler and cheaper than making a trip to the doctor... again!
Urinary tract infections have been around since E coli bacteria has been around. And history states that urinary tract infections have been around for centuries. And years ago, most people would deal with the miserable pain associated with the infection. Now days, most people will make their 2 to 3 trips to the hospital each year to cure the E coli infection.
But is it necessary to make a trip to the doctor and pharmacy to treat your infection? I don't think so.
Natural Health shows that E Coli (Urinary Tract Infection) is Curable
The cause of your infection is E coli! Doctors treat the infection by prescribing harsh medications (cell-killing antibiotics) to kill the E coli. However, research is now showing how the E coli bacteria is now becoming more resilient to the antibiotics and could be causing the body more harm.
Have you tried antibiotics? Antibiotics are the 'medical' term for 'no' and 'life'. Antibiotics work by killing most cells they come in contact with. The problem with treating a urinary tract infection with antibiotics is you are also killing 'good' bacteria in your body. Not to mention, you are also building up strains of super-charged E coli bacteria for your next infection.
But natural health researchers state that the E Coli infection is curable! In fact, you can kill the E coli and flush it with numerous natural remedies.
Curing Your Urinary Tract Infection Naturally with these Secrets
Here is a simple outline of a natural remedy that is proven and effective.
1. Acids- Acids are used in numerous ways to promote healthy living! For instance, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) promotes a healthy immune system. And folic acid (vitamin B12) promotes the repair and production of cells.
In the case of your urinary tract infection, you can use a variety of acids to create a hostile environment for the E coli bacteria. We have found that certain acids in some citrus tablets will kill most strains of E coli infecting the urinary tract.
2. Neutralizers- Neutralizing the potent acids is important for a balanced urinary tract and it also relieves pain associated with high acid consumption. For instance, Alka-Seltzer helps relieve pain and burning while also maintaining a balanced pH.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar- Perhaps the queen of all remedies, apple cider vinegar has been used for gout, acid reflux and even urinary tract infections. Apple cider vinegar is rich in enzymes and potassium, as well as many other trace minerals. In addition, apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic and will help attack the E coli bacteria.
4. Apiol- Apiol is a volatile oil that acts as a urinary tract antiseptic (it decontaminates the urinary tract). For instance, some green vegetables contain this oil which will not allow E coli to attach itself to the bladder's walls.
Naturally Treat E coli Infection
Learn how to be free from a urinary tract infection in 24 hours or less with a simple home remedy that works every time! Take a moment and see how our guaranteed, step by step Urinary Tract Infection Remedy Report can help you be pain free and save you hundreds of dollars in the process!
Natural! Trusted! Proven to Work! With 22 years of experience, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing provide the ONLY 100% guaranteed, step by step Urinary Tract Infection Remedy Report.