duminică, 3 iulie 2011

E-Coli - The Bacterium That Leads to Kidney Infections


The kidneys are bean shaped organs that are responsible for secreting the body waste in form of urine. They are located below the ribcage and maintain the concentration of essential nutrients in the body. They filter the waste products from the body before passing the urine into the urinary bladder. Hence, the kidney infections can hamper the functionality of your excretory system.
Women are five times more likely to be infected with kidney infections. The pregnant women are most vulnerable to infections in the kidneys. This occurs due to drastic changes in the body hormones which make the urinary tract susceptible to urinary infections. The infection occurs due to the attack of E-coli bacterium on the urinary tract.
The bacterium enters through the urethra which is connected to the penis or vulva. Later on, the bacterium enters inside the urinary bladder and adheres to the bladder walls. This phenomenon is accompanied by several urinary ailments that include frequent or urgent urine passage, pain in abdomen, high fever etc. Ideally, you should get proper treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms of bladder infections.
However, some people don't pay heat to these symptoms and pose serious problems for themselves. This negligence leads to the advancement of E-coli in the kidneys. Now, the effect of the bacterium dominates and leads to pus or blood in urine secretion. The mild fever during bladder infection gets converted into high fever during kidney infections. Moreover, this infection leads to the blockage of kidneys or spread of infection in the bloodstreams that can be life threatening.
Hence, you should consult a medical practitioner as soon as you notice symptoms of kidney infections. This will aid the flushing of the harmful bacterium from the urinary tract. So, take proper medication now to protect your urinary organs from severe damages.
About the Author:
Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on kidney infections symptoms and cures of disease. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.

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